TVB drama, The Winter Melon Tale (大冬瓜) is a olden days costume drama series released in March 2009. The story is about Chinese Deities who are followers of the Chinese Stove God.
The main stars of the show are Liu Kai Chi, So Yuk Wah, Nancy Wu, Helen Tam, Sunny Chan, Rain Lau, Ellesmere Choy, Natalie Wong, Jack Wu, Chan Kam Hung and Lau Yuk Chui. The show schedule is as follows March 9 - March 13(Episode 1 to 5), March 16 - March 20 (Episode 6 to 10), March 23 - March 26 (11 — 14), March 30 - April 2 (15 — 19) and April 3, 2009 Episode 20
I can't find the song of The Winter Melon Tale in You tube but here is Mew Mew Winter Melon Butterfly Song as replacement, ha ha ha!