Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Virgin Guy Buying Condom?

Poor shy guy really made a scene at the store just because he wanted to get a pack of condom. He he he, I have noticed many funny guys in real life trying to buy condom at local stores before this.
Well, if this is your first time....just take one pack and don't bother about people around you.......then go straight to the counter with you other stuff and pay for them. Don't end up like this guy......ha  ha ha.....Enjoy the funny condom buying video.....


இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Aiyoyoyo AHA Anay Help Anay. Why shy can even ask the counter girl which one is the most popular ones and follow her tips haha.

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Anay engaporenge? Being MIA for so long haha

peter kenneth said...

Thank you for taking the precious time to write it up ..

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